Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
As Academic Director, I want to welcome you to this Center
and learn about our educational plan along the following pages.
The school has opted for training in the tourism field through
the teaching of various titles with special emphasis on practice,
through its support and advice in the labour market to students
and with the signing of numerous cooperation agreements
with companies in the tourist sector.
Natalia Rodríguez de Armas
Directora Académica

The Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife with the incorporation into the University of La Laguna has a new office in the Anaga residential area in the capital of Tenerife, one of the best areas of Santa Cruz.
The Centre develops on one floor, boasts top quality materials, all their classrooms overlook the street, therefore having natural light and ventilation needed for better comfort.
Its distribution has been taken into account all legal requirements of the law regarding measures of classrooms, security, lighting, etc. Equipped with a classroom of Informatics, library, meeting facilities, etc.
In addition the Center has in its interior with a large courtyard, to the rest of the students, as well as a few banks and large palm groves as well as coffee break service.
The Escuela Universitaria de Turismo, it also has an agreement with one of the most prestigious cafes/restaurants in the area, located in the same plaza, opposite the venue facilities. Thus students belonging to the Center can enjoy a few discounts in their breakfast and special menus.
Our addresses are:
Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Residencial Anaga (double access)
– Plaza José de Zárate y Penichet 5, 1st floor
– Calle José de Zárate y Penichet 5, 1st floor
(Access for handicapped) 38001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
We offer the best specialized training in official tourism studies
Board of management and committees
Management and board of management and committeesboard of management and committees
Management Team
Director: Natalia Rodríguez de Armas
Phone: 922 225 006
Facebook: Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Instagram: @eutur_tenerife
a) Degree Coordinator: Natalia Rodríguez de Armas – (Dean – EUTUR Academic Dtra.)
b) Course Coordinator: POAT faculty/tutor
First Course Tutor: Gregorio David Zamora Jara
Second Course Tutor: Marcos Hernández González
Third Course Tutor: Alberto Armas González
Fourth Year Tutor: Laura Romero Domínguez
c) Subject Coordinator: Professor of each subject.
Board of directors and commissions
Duties of the School Board
The Faculty Board is the highest representative body of the members of the Center, with its own powers in matters of organization, coordination and management. It is made up of a representation of teachers, students and the Pas.
Its composition is renewed in the first months of each academic year.
Among its functions are:
- Defining, approving and coordinating the School’s action policy, both with regard to teaching and research, as well as with regard to its administrative and economic regime.
- Prepare and approve the Project of Regulation of the Internal Regime of the School and its modifications.
- Approve the teaching organization plans of The School and propose and inform the modification in their study plans.
- Approve the distribution of the funds assigned to the School charged to the Budgets of the University of La Laguna.
- Those provided for collegiate bodies in article 98 of the University Statutes.
- Exercising any other functions assigned to it by the superior bodies of the University Government or recognized by the current regulations.
President Natalia Rodríguez de Armas
Secretary Miguel Ángel González Hidalgo
Faculty Gregorio David Zamora Jara and Ana Verónica Berdejo Fariña
Student Mónica Ruíz Álvarez
PAS Nancy Rodríguez de Armas
Quality Commission
President: Natalia Rodríguez de Armas
Coordinator: Ana Verónica Berdejo Fariña
Secretary: Miguel Ángel González Hidalgo
Teachers: José Juan Cano Delgado and Ana Ester Cruz González
External Agent: José Antonio Padrón Fumero
Students: Mónica Ruíz Álvarez
PAS: Nancy Rodríguez de Armas
Mixed Commission
Rodríguez De Armas, Natalia – (Dean / EUTUR Director)
Berdejo Farina, Ana Veronica.
Zamora Jara, Gregorio.
Technical Committee for Recognition and Transfer of Credits
The powers of this Commission are attributed to the members that make up the EUTUR Mixed Commission, chaired by the Director Academician, Ms. Natalia Rodríguez de Armas.
Curricular Evaluation Commission for Compensation and Permanence
The powers of this Commission are attributed to the members that make up the EUTUR Quality Commission, chaired by the Academic Director, Ms. Natalia Rodríguez de Armas.
External Practices Committee
Management Team Representative: Rodríguez De Armas, Natalia.
External Practices Coordinator: Berdejo Fariña, Ana Verónica.
Teaching staff: Gómez Marfil, Iván (Business Organization area); Cano Delgado, José Juan (Regional Geographic Analysis area).
Student Representative: Ruíz Álvarez, Mónica.
PAS: Rodríguez De Armas, Nancy.
End of Degree Project Commission
Management Team Representative: Rodríguez De Armas, Natalia.
TFG Coordinator: Romero Domínguez, Laura.
Teaching staff: all the teaching staff with Venia Docendi who teach the Degree in Tourism at EUTUR.
International Mobility Commission
Mobility Coordinator: Ana Verónica Berdejo Fariña
Secretary: Marcos Hernández González
Member: Natalia Rodríguez de Armas
National Mobility Commission
Mobility Coordinator: Natalia Rodríguez de Armas
Secretary: Marcos Hernández González
Member: Ana Verónica Berdejo Fariña
Secretariat and porter’s lodge
Secretariat and porter's lodge
Head of administration
Nancy Rodríguez de Armas
Phone: 651 411 543 / 922 225 006
Tutors and teachers
Tutores y profesores
Academic Tutors
Degree in Tourism
First Course Tutor:
Professor: Mr. Gregorio David Zamora Jara
Second Course Tutor:
Professor: Mr. Marcos Hernández González
Third Course Tutor:
Professor: Mr. Alberto Armas González
Fourth Course Tutor:
Professor: Mrs. Laura Romero Domínguez
Undergraduate Tutor in Tourism:
Professor: Mrs. Natalia Rodríguez de Armas.
Area of English and German Philology:
Marcos Hernandez Gonzalez
Alicia Hernández Rodríguez
Area of Economics, Accounting and Business Management:
Alberto Gutiérrez Poleo
Víctor Rodríguez Delgado
Ana Berdejo Fariña
Daniel Dorta Afonso
Alberto Armas Gonzalez
Yurena Rodriguez Rodriguez
Eugenio Diaz Farina
Hugo Padron Avila
Laura Romero Dominguez
Nisamar Baute Diaz
Tamara Gonzalez Gonzalez
Rosa Maria Ferrer Ceresola
Sociology Area:
Ana E. Cruz González
David Stendardi
Area of Geography, Art History, Prehistory, Anthropology and Ancient History
Ivan Gomez Marfil
Augustin Dorta Rodriguez
Cayetano Guillen Martin
Jose Juan Cano Delgado
Area of Law and History of Economic Institutions
Gregorio David Zamora Jara
Miguel Gonzalez Hidalgo
Optative subjects:
Alejandro Velázquez Dorta
Agustín Dorta Rodriguez
Nicolas Gonzalez Lemus
Carmen Morales Rodríguez
Eugenio Diaz Farina
Practice External Coordination:
Ana Berdejo Fariña.
Final Degree Project Coordinator:
Laura Romero Dominguez
Tutorial Action Orientation Plan Coordinator (POAT):
Ana V. Berdejo Fariña
Regulation of Venia Docendi of the University of La Laguna.(It entered into force on January 24, 2013).
Infrastructure and services
Infraestructura y Servicios
Material resources
Classrooms and workspaces
The Santa Cruz de Tenerife University School of Tourism has four classrooms, as well as a computer room, Library and Study Room.
Thanks to the new change in infrastructure, all classrooms have the necessary audiovisual media for the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in teaching: a video-projector with a PC connection, with two connection points to Internet, one for the teacher and another if necessary for the students, as well as a video and audio connection for DVD playback.
Apart from the teaching classrooms (4 with capacity for 50 students and 1 for 70), the Santa Cruz University School of Tourism has: a study room and an area reserved for research seminars, events, talks, conferences, etc. .
Computer room
The Santa Cruz de Tenerife University School of Tourism offers its students a computer room that has ten computers, eight laptops, a projector with its screen, a photocopier, printer and scanner. The computer equipment has the Windows operating system and Microsoft Office office suites, as well as a WIFI connection throughout the premises.
The student body of the Center as a student of the ULL, will also be able to use the computer rooms of all the faculties, one of the closest to our Center being the Higher Technical School of Nautical, Machines and Naval Radioelectronics.
EUTUR has a library, where students of the Degree in Tourism can access an extensive bibliography regarding these studies. The same account with the following services:
1. Consultation in Room
2. Loan Librarian
We also have available to students (with a self-service photocopier) reprography service.
Campus Virtual
The methodology used in the teaching of the Degree in Tourism is supported by ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies). In this way, a Virtual Campus is made available to students as a support tool for the center itself. Through said campus, they will be able to access the virtual classrooms of each of the subjects, which will allow both students and teachers to monitor them.
University card
As students of the University of La Laguna, they may request the University card. This card allows access to the following services and identify members of the University community:
- Library loan.
- Dining vouchers.
- Discounts on transport, cinemas, travel agencies, etc.
- Access to common areas of the ULL (car parks, sports areas, etc.).
You can process the request for said card through this link.
As ULL students, they have the option of formally requesting a place in the Student Residences that the University of La Laguna makes available to them. In this link you can consult the corresponding information regarding: application requirements, location of the same, etc.
In reference to the cafeteria service, the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has an interesting agreement with a variety of catering establishments located a few meters from the Center, where students, teachers and other workers can benefit from it. discounts on your drinks.
For more information, please consult the Secretariat of the Centre.
Reinforcement of languages
Our center offers its students voluntary and free language reinforcement from the first year of their degree (English and German). In addition, to have different language courses and other subjects of interest that are offered throughout the year.
Rules and regulations
Normativa y reglamentos
Rules and regulations
EUTUR – ULL Membership Agreement Renewal (2021).
Affiliation Agreement to the University of La Laguna (ULL)
Decree 105/2013, of October 17, which approves the assignment by agreement of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife to the University of La Laguna. (BOC No. 211. Thursday, October 31, 2013.)
Statutes of the University of La Laguna
University Student Statute
Regulations of the University of La Laguna
You can consult the academic rules and regulations applied to official degrees and their students by accessing the following links:
Among other regulations, the following stand out:
- Resolution of November 22, 2010, of the University of La Laguna, by which the Graduate in Tourism study plan is published (BOE of December 11, 2010)
- Regulations for Admission and Registration of Official Degrees of the University of La Laguna (May 7, 2020)
- DECREE 93/2021, of September 30, which sets and regulates public prices for the provision of academic and administrative services of Canarian public universities for the 2021-2022 academic year.
- Regulations relating to exam calls
- Regulations for the review and challenge of qualifications and rectifications of minutes
- Resolution of March 29, 2021, ordering the publication of the Cooperation Agreement between the Canary Islands Agency for Educational Evaluation and University Quality (ACCUEE) and the public universities of the Canary Islands for the carrying out of external internships for undergraduate and graduate students. Official master’s degrees from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and the University of La Laguna (ULL).
- Regulation of Recognition, Adaptation and Transfer of Credits of the ULL (BOULL nº 14, of March 26, 2021)
- Regulations for the Recognition of Credits for Participation in University Activities in Official Degree Teaching (BOC No. 88, of April 30, 2021)
- Regulations for Progress and Permanence in Official Degrees at the University of La Laguna.
- Venia Docendi Regulations of the University of La Laguna (in force on January 24, 2013).
- Regulations of the Court of Curricular Evaluation for Compensation (Government Council Agreement of June 27, 2017)
- Evaluation and Qualification
- External Practices
- Final Degree Project
Internal Regulations of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- EUTSC Internal Regulations.
- EUTSC Internal Regulations for Teachers.
- EUTSC Student Internal Regulations.
Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Government of the Canary Islands
- Title Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees
- Royal Decree 22/2015, of January 23, which establishes the requirements for the issuance of the European Supplement to the titles regulated in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of teachings official university universities and modifies Royal Decree 1027/2011, of July 15, which establishes the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
- Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007
- Decree 168_2008 Government of the Canary Islands Official Qualifications
Academic calendar
Calendario académico
Calendar 2021-2022
You can consult the academic calendar for the current academic year 2021-2022 on the Institutional Web of the University of La Laguna (ULL).
You can consult the specific academic calendar of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife for the 2021-2022 academic year at this link.
*You can now consult the Calendar for the next academic year 2022-2023 on the Institutional Website of the University of La Laguna (ULL).
Academic calendars previous courses:
Academic calendar for the current academic year 2020-2021 on the Institutional Website of the University of La Laguna (ULL).
Specific academic calendar of the Santa Cruz de Tenerife University School of Tourism for the 2020-2021 academic year at this link.
Academic calendar for the current academic year 2019-2020 on the Institutional Website of the University of La Laguna (ULL).
Specific academic calendar of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife for the 2019-2020 academic year at this link.
Academic calendar for the current academic year 2018-2019 on the Institutional Website of the University of La Laguna (ULL).
Specific academic calendar of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife for the 2018-2019 academic year at this link.
Student organization
Organización Estudiantil
The Student Delegation is a representative body of the Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Tenerife, whose objective is to collaborate with the Director of the Centre in the transmission of proposals, demands of the rest of the students, participating in discussions relating to the academic administration.
They have a small meeting room, where students can go to request information and contact with students representatives.
They can also communicate through:
phone: 922 225 006
Mobility programmes
Programas de movilidad
Mobility programmes
Mobility programs allow students to take courses from the official degrees of the Faculty at other Universities, as well as carry out external internships at other institutions and companies.
EUTUR students can benefit from mobility programs, both in their international (Erasmus+) and national (SICUE) exchange modalities, as well as in extra-community programs, and all those modalities that the University of La Laguna includes. between your offer.