Degree in Tourism

General information about the degree of tourism
University of La Laguna

Within the sections corresponding to the degree in tourism have included various aspects of interest for students, such as the educational guides, schedules or calendar of exams, among others. In addition, the menu of this window is available in the information necessary for the student newly enrolled, access roads, registration, description, justification, profiles, goals or competencies for the title, inter alia related to the Degree:

This same degree is awarded at the Iriarte University School and at its own ULL in the Faculty of Economic, Business and Tourism Sciences.


Resolution of November 22, 2010, of the University of La Laguna, which publishes the plan of graduate studies in tourism (BOE of December 11, 2010)

The curriculum of the degree graduate in tourism by the University of La Laguna, which is offered at this Center, will have a total of 240 ECTS credits, distributed in 4 courses, divided into 2 semesters, including all the theoretical training and practice that the student must acquire, as well as the external practices and work-end-of-degree.

Schedule of implementation of the degree in tourism at the Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife:

  • 2010 – 2011 First course
  • 2011 – 2012 Second course
  • 2012 – 2013 Third course
  • 2013 – 2014 Fourth course

Download Plan of studies degree in tourism

Note: the Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife supports its students in languages through specific courses. These courses are voluntary, free and are taught outside the official hours of the Degree in Tourism.

With them is intended to provide to the students of knowledge necessary to meet the requirements in the educational guides of the English and German subjects included in the curriculum for the qualification of Graduate in Tourism.


ACADEMIC YEAR 2019 – 2020

ACADEMIC YEAR 2018 – 2019

ACADEMIC YEAR 2017 – 2018

ACADEMIC YEAR 2016 – 2017

ACADEMIC YEAR 2015 – 2016


The purpose of the development of external internships is to provide future graduates with comprehensive training that allows them to confidently face the requirements of the labor market and complement their training with knowledge of the business environment.

The external internship is a compulsory subject and has 18 ECTS credits developed in the second semester of the fourth year of the Degree in Tourism in those companies, entities and public bodies, after signing Agreements.

External internships will be governed by the following regulations:

Agreement 5 b / CG 5-28-2020 of the Governing Council of the University of La Laguna by which the Regulation of external practices of the University of La Laguna is modified (approved by agreement 6 / CG 12-20-2017 of the Council of Government of the University of La Laguna and modified by agreement 4 / CG 09-05-19 of the Governing Council of the University of La Laguna)

Agreement 4 / CG May 9, 2019 of the Governing Council of the University of La Laguna, which approves the partial modification of the Regulation of External Practices of the University of La Laguna.

Regulation of External Practices of the University of La Laguna approved by agreement 6 / CG of December 20, 2017 of the Governing Council of the University of La Laguna. (BOULL of December 28, 2017)

Royal Decree 592/2014 of July 11, by which the external academic practices of university students and the “Regulations for the Management of External Practices of the student body of the University of La Laguna“.

In addition, the University School of Tourism of Tenerife in its Quality System includes the procedure “PR-8 Management of External Practices” in which it is established that it is the Office of Guidance and Labor Insertion in work centers (GOICT), composed of by a group of professors who will carry out the tasks of tutoring and orientation of this subject, the body in charge of the management and control of external practices.

1º Two groups of practices will be organized in the second semester:

February, March, and April.
May, June and July.
2º Each student will be assigned a tutor, who will guide them in their training itinerary and subsequent job placement.

3º The schedule and the activities to be carried out will be established by the Collaborating Entity, an aspect that the student must bear in mind when enrolling in this subject.

4th The student must attend the academic tutorials established by the tutor / professor of the center, to which the tutors of the internship companies will be invited.

5th The tutor / teacher must contact the company at least once a month and if necessary, visit the company.

6th The tutor must deliver to the company tutor at the beginning of the internship, the specific objectives to be achieved with the internship and the evaluation questionnaire so that the company tutor focuses his attention on the main aspects to evaluate.

The student will be evaluated as follows:

By the University tutor professor based on the activities proposed in the Academic Tutorials (50%).
For the results of the survey received by the Internship Tutor in the Company (50%).
7th To take this subject, the student must have passed 60% of the credits necessary to obtain the Graduate Degree in Tourism, 144 credits.

Planned and developed agreements P.E. 2015-2016

Planned and developed agreements P.E. 2016-2017

Planned and developed agreements P.E. 2017-2018.

Planned and developed agreements P.E. 2018-2019.

Planned and developed agreements P.E. 2019-2020.

Planned and developed agreements P.E. 2020-2021.


  • The End of Degree Work (EDW) is conducted in the 4th year of degree, in tourism and in the 2nd quarter, with a total allocation of 6 credits.
  • The realization of the EDW highlights the application of knowledge acquired during their studies by students, with respect to competencies associated with the title.
  • Once done, it will be evaluated and rated by a court which has to be defended orally.
  • The theme selected for the same must contain one or more subjects in the degree.
  • The EDW will be supervised by one or several teachers appointed by the students.
  • For its preparation, will be held along the corresponding quarter, sessions of tutorials, whose attendance will be part of the final grade obtained.
  • At the beginning of the course will be set relative to the EDW calendar and you will be the Manual-Guide corresponding to the students of the Centre.

Regulations of the subject “End of Degree Work” of the ULL. 
Regulations of the subject “End of Degree Work” of the Escuela de Turismo de Tenerife.


The quality assurance is an essential of the University policy end and a shaft on which are articulated other basic quality criteria for verification and accreditation of official teachings, in line with the provisions of the construction of the European area of higher education (EEES). In this context, the guidance and tutoring of students become a necessity and a key element of quality and thus it has collected in the regulations and programmes evaluation and quality (program AUDIT, program VERIFICA and program DOCENTIA, of the Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) and regional (Protocol for the Follow-up of the Official Qualifications). The importance of guidance and tutorial action for the formation of University students appears gathered in a broad and diverse regulations at different levels: State, autonomous, and own ULL.

In order to promote the guiding and tutorial activity as activity organized and planned institutionally, specifying in own and affiliated centres of the ULL, and respond also to the demands of the University regulations, the Council of Government of the University of La Laguna approved on January 31, 2012 the document “Guidelines for the development, implementation and consolidation of guidance and tutorial ULL centres action plans”.

With reference to the established in these guidelines, the System of Guarantee Internal of Quality Center (SGIC) and Policy and Objectives of Quality Center encountered in its phase end of development, orientation and Plan action Tutorial (POAT) of the Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife is designed, attached to the University of La Laguna, which can be found through the following links:

Tutorial Plan of Orientation and Action (POAT) of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2016 – 2017.

Tutorial Orientation and Action Plan (POAT) of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2017 – 2018.

Tutorial Orientation and Action Plan (POAT) of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2018 – 2019.


The Degree Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC) (formerly the Internal Quality Assurance System -SGIC-) includes the procedures established in Annex 1 of RD 1393/2007, giving a specific response to section 9 and 8.2 of the Annual Report. Verification / Modification of official qualifications:

Evaluation and improvement of the quality of teaching
Evaluation and improvement of the quality of the teaching staff
Guarantee the quality of external practices
Guarantee the quality of mobility programs
Analysis of the labor insertion of graduates
Analysis of the satisfaction of the different groups involved (students, academic and administration and services staff, graduates, etc.)
Attention to suggestions or complaints
Through the mechanisms and procedures established in the SAIC, the collection and continuous analysis of information and relevant results for the effective management of the degree is guaranteed.

Information on each of the SAIC procedures can be consulted in the “procedures” section.

Those responsible for SAIC assume the commitment to guarantee the quality of the degrees taught at the university and its centers and to ensure the continuous improvement of their results. They are structured in two levels:


  • Vice-Rector’s Office with Quality Competencies

Direct and promote the implementation and development of SAICs, as they represent a reinforcement of the quality assurance and continuous improvement of the centers and degrees, facilitating the monitoring, accreditation and certification processes. Likewise, it is responsible for providing adequate institutional support for the development of evaluation and quality programs, guaranteeing their sustainability over time.

Quality Assessment and Improvement Unit-Technical Quality Unit

The Quality Evaluation and Improvement Unit (UEMC), and its Technical Quality Unit (UTC), are in charge of the management and planning of the design, implementation and evaluation processes of the SAIC, necessary to guarantee continuous improvement in the center and its degrees, as well as the achievement of the established objectives, responding to the needs and expectations of stakeholders.

Likewise, the UTC is in charge of preparing and supplying the framework documentation related to the evaluation and quality programs, and of providing technical advice and training to the agents involved. It promotes the development of processes through adequate coordination with academic and quality managers, commissions, self-assessment work groups, quality agencies and other bodies / entities involved.

Center / Degree

  • Center Management Team

This team and, in particular, its Director, assumes the responsibility of directing and promoting the evaluation and quality programs in the center. A center quality manager is part of its team, who will be in charge of coordinating and developing the management of the processes related to the implementation and evaluation of the SAIC and the evaluation of degrees.

Center / Title Quality Manager

Those responsible for the quality of the center / degree, who will be integrated as members of the Quality Commission, will exercise general coordination functions, among which the following stand out:

– Support the dean team in the development of the evaluation and quality programs in the center
– Promote and lead the implementation of the SAIC
– Participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of degrees

In relation to the Title Quality Assurance System (SAIC)

– Manage, review and update the SAIC documentation.
– Carry out the analysis of information derived from SAIC procedures and inform the Quality Committee of its development (imbalances, improvement actions …).
– Manage internal communication with the agents involved in the SAIC.
– Channel claims, complaints and suggestions to the Quality Commission and coordinate response actions.
– Promote the culture of evaluation and quality among the different stakeholders.
– Guarantee transparency and accountability to stakeholders, supervising the updating of the content of the Web (publication of information, relevant results of the title, etc.).
– Serve as an interlocutor with the Vice-Rector’s Office with competence in quality and the UTC in all those actions related to the field of institutional evaluation and quality.

In relation to the degrees

– Promote and participate in the processes of design, modification, monitoring and renewal of the accreditation of official degrees.
– Supervise the implementation of the degrees, in accordance with the provisions of the Certificate Verification Report and / or its subsequent modifications, and carry out, together with the Quality Commission, their monitoring.
– Participate in the analysis, evolution, reflection and proposal of improvement actions based on the results of academic performance and satisfaction of the degrees.
– Support the Quality Commission in the management of the Teaching Guides of the official degrees.

Center / Section / Title Quality Commission
It is the section that intervenes in the planning and monitoring tasks of the SAIC, and acts as one of the mechanisms for effective stakeholder participation through which the quality and continuous improvement of the center and its degrees are guaranteed. It is made up of the management team, responsible for quality and representatives of the different interest groups of the center (PDI, student-graduates, PAS, employers, etc.). Among the functions it performs are, among others:

– Participate in the design, review and update of the SAIC documentation.
– Verify the monitoring and implementation of the SAIC.
– Analyze and resolve, together with the quality manager, claims, complaints and suggestions.
– Study and, where appropriate, approve the implementation of the SAIC improvement proposals and their qualifications.
– Guarantee the review and evaluation processes.

The University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (EUTSC) sets itself as its main goal to respond to the needs of Canarian society, as well as society in general, in training, research, dissemination, knowledge transfer and innovation in the Tourist field.
In terms of training, the School seeks to train its students in the best conditions, with the aim of providing them with the knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitudes that allow them to practice as Tourism professionals and respond to the changes and new demands that in currently exist in this area. Therefore, students are offered highly personalized attention in order to meet their needs.

As a university affiliated center, we must be a model to follow in terms of the presence of quality in all the activities we develop.

The School Management Team, being aware of the importance of offering quality training to its students, works on the implementation of a quality culture, directing its efforts towards satisfying the expectations and needs of its student community, employing all the technical, human and economic resources that it has at its disposal to achieve it.

At present, the Center is developing a quality policy setting itself as general guidelines:

Achieve a permanent commitment to continuous improvement in the training offered to its students.
Implement the actions that are necessary to correct those aspects that are considered inappropriate.
Implement preventive actions that are necessary.
Promote the quality policy in all its personnel in order for it to be understood and accepted by them.
Encourage and favor the continuous training of its staff so that such training allows it to satisfy the needs of its users.
Put in place systems of action, collection of information, evaluation and review that allow making more adequate and effective decisions.

• PR-Evaluation and quality of official qualifications ◦SUB_PR-1 Design and Verification
◦SUB_PR-2 Monitoring and Accreditation
◦SUB_PR-3 Extinction of the degree

• PR-PDI Evaluation
• PR-Development and evaluation of teaching

◦SUB_PR-1 Learning assessment
◦SUB_PR-2 Management of external practices

• PR-Student mobility management
• PR-Labor insertion of graduates
• PR-Satisfaction of stakeholders
• PR-Management of Claims, Complaints and Suggestions

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife University School of Tourism (EUTSC) is currently implementing the Internal Quality Assurance System.
Due to the recent incorporation of the University School of Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (EUTSC) to the University of La Laguna (ULL), the Center is limited in terms of data collection for reporting and results , since we do not have enough samples corresponding to a wide temporal average to make a more complete comparative study. However, we can detail the information related to one of the survey formulas collected in the aforementioned system, setting as an objective the inclusion of the remaining evaluation instruments that it includes.

Below are the reports of the results obtained by academic year:

Results obtained in the student satisfaction survey on the teaching activity of teachers:

Course 2011/2012:
First quarter.
Second term.

Course 2012/2013:
First quarter.
Second term.

Course 2013/2014:
First quarter.
Second term.

Course 2014/2015:
First quarter.
Second term

Course 2015/2016:
First quarter.
Second term

Course 2016/2017:
First quarter.
Second term

Course 2017/2018:
First quarter.
Second term

Course 2018/2019:
First quarter.
Second term

Degree in Tourism – EUTUR Affiliated Center. Link.

Bachelor of Tourism and Marketing

Business Management and Marketing


You get double degree Spanish & European.

Students who pass the theoretical modules and report on practice in companies will obtain the Bachelor in Business Administration in Tourism Management specialty Strategic Business Management from the University of Breda. European official title of 240 credits.

That also present and approve the thesis, students will get the Business Administration: Strategic Business Management and Marketing.


The three first years of the Bachelor study it here, in our Center and the fourth year you can develop all in Breda (the Netherlands) or in the following way: the theoretical part in Breda with a minimum stay of three months from the first of September and the second part which includes the work of research and practices in companies can be in Spain.

The students are part of an international class so that all modules are taught in English. The teaching is done in small groups with a very personalized attention to students. Through an optimal combination of theoretical and practical credits, the effective application of information technology, case studies, workshops and research, the student develops skills and management and business management skills. Also encourages initiative and creativity to solve problems and the capacity for innovation to continuous market changes is encouraged.

Access requirements

COU o High School. FP top module.

You can access the fourth year directly with:

Diploma in tourism degrees (ADEM, hotel management…) Other university diplomas or bachelor degrees equivalent international qualifications. In addition to the degree an adequate level of English is required.

Documentation required for the registration:

  • 2 photocopies of the identity card.
  • 6 Passport type photos.
  • 3 attested photocopies of the studies (can certify in the Center).
  • Bank details for payments (12 monthly payments to 300.00€).
  • Registration 464.00€

From Venezuela, foreign students will not have to approve their studies in Spain. They directly accessed with the Diploma of High School.


Structure of curriculum

First three years of the degree in tourism.

The fourth year modules

  • Research methods (8 ECTS).
  • Sociological approach to consumer behavior (4 ECTS).
  • Business administration (9 ECTS).
  • Advanced strategic marketing (9 ECTS).
  • Dissertation (30 ECTS).

The first 3 years are taught in Spanish and the fourth year is taught in English at the University of Breda – Netherlands.


First Course (first quarter)
Second Course (second quarter)
Third Course (first quarter)


Call for January 2016

First Course (First Quarter)
Second Course (First Quarter)
Third Course (First Quarter)

Call for June 2016

First Course
Second Course
Tercer Curso

Call for July 2016

First Course
Second Course
Third Course

Call for september 2016

First Course
Second Course
Third Course